Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Unit 4: Post 26

Rhetorical Strategies in Our Visual Argument:

Well, we are planning to utilize several rhetorical strategies in our presentation. We are bringing in logos through the statistical information on the prices of the various housing options here at TCU compared to off campus possibilities, such as Orion at Oak Hill. The facts are costs at least $900 a month to live in any of the oncampus apartments and only $700 a month for a townhouse! My hope is that these facts will also bring emotions to our audience, the TCU students and administration. Another way we are going to use pathos is by including pictures that better illustrate the comparison between the housing. I personally love the picture included on our T-shirt. It is of a TCU frog that is walking around carrying his stuff cus he is homeless like many of us students.

TCU has a housing crisis. Our group has a lot of ethos as, between the three of us, we have one homeless frog, one frog whose hopped the pond to a better option, and one frog that does have an overpriced home. My main hope is that people's eyes are opened as to how messed up the housing system is. I think there are students that suspect there is an issue, but they don't know just how screwed the system is. Granted, the three of us probably won't be able to really enact a large change, but maybe we can at least sow some seeds of change that might make things better for the frogs to follow us.

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